Your Eyelashes Are More Than Just For Beauty

Eye Health

Eyelashes are not just a popular beauty trend. They are a vital part of our eye health, acting as a protective barrier against debris, infection, or injury. Understanding their natural growth cycle, which occurs every six to ten weeks when they replace themselves after a few are lost, is key to maintaining their health. The…

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June is Men’s Health Month

Eye Health

June is Men’s Health Month, and it’s worth noting that Men’s Health Week, celebrated from June 10 – 16, 2024, falls just before Father’s Day. This timing is significant as it presents a unique opportunity to focus on men’s health, particularly eye health, during a time when the importance of men in our lives is…

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June is Cataract Awareness Month

Eye Health

June is a significant month for us as it’s Cataract Awareness Month. Our eye doctors, in collaboration with Prevent Blindness, are committed to raising awareness about cataracts, one of the leading causes of treatable vision loss in the United States. According to Prevent Blindness, over 24.4 million Americans will develop cataracts. As the American population…

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Prevention Tips For Eye Emergencies When Traveling

Eye Health

According to AAA, 43.8 million Americans will travel 50 miles or more from home this Memorial Day weekend. This is a 4% increase over 2023, just shy of the record set in 2005. If you and your family plan to travel this Memorial Day weekend, we wanted to give you a few tips to prepare…

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Fireworks Eye Safety Tips

Eye Health

As Memorial Day, the official pre-summer kickoff holiday, approaches, it’s crucial to remember that fireworks can pose severe risks, potentially harming not just you but also your loved ones. Did you know that 65% of all fireworks injuries involve bystanders, and 19% of those injuries affect the eyes? These statistics underscore the need for caution…

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Fireworks Eye Safety Tips

May is Ultraviolet Awareness Month

Eye Health

May is Ultraviolet Awareness Month, and as the weather gets warmer, many of us are anticipating fun in the sun to enjoy the outdoors. Before enjoying this season’s warm weather, are you ready to shield yourself from harmful UV rays? Spending extended hours under the mid-day sun or in UV-rich surroundings, be it at the…

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May is Ultraviolet Awareness Month

May is Healthy Vision Month

Eye Health

Spring is here with lots of sunshine and warmer weather, leading to many people exercising and having fun outdoors. There is something about the warm weather that encourages us to live a healthier and more physically fit lifestyle, including eating seasonal fruits and vegetables, taking long walks in the park, and even having a set…

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May is Healthy Vision Month

The Light Adjustable Lens Has Arrived


Cookeville Eye Specialists, the area’s premier cataract surgery center, is proud to offer the revolutionary Light Adjustable Lens. What is the Light Adjustable Lens? Unlike any other Intraocular Lens (IOL), the Light Adjustable Lens offers a remarkable level of personalization, allowing our ophthalmologists to adjust and customize your vision after cataract surgery. Crafted from a…

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Recognizing the Symptoms of Cataracts

Eye Health

The eyes are often referred to as the windows to one’s soul. They are also the primary tools we use to navigate the world around us, from driving to reading to seeing the faces of those we love. However, as we age, the proteins in our lenses can start to clump together, leading to symptoms…

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Recognizing the Symptoms of Cataracts